Intramezzo Sponsors the Inaugural Global University Venturing Summit
Intramezzo are delighted to be sponsoring the Global University Venturing Summit alongside Innogy Venture Capital, Silicon Valley Bank and Baker Botts.
The half day conference and dinner will be held at Baker Botts’ London offices on October 16th 2013. The summit, held in partnership with Reed Elsevier, will focus on the rise of university venturing.
It is set to be an action packed event with roundtable discussions exploring the pressure on university spin-outs to achieve commercial success. These will be led by the likes of Simon Cook, Managing Partner at DFJ Esprit and Jacques Darcy, Head of Technology Transfer & Intellectual Property at the European Investment Fund.
The day will be rounded off with an address from keynote speaker, Mike Lynch, CEO of Invoke Capital, formerly CEO of Autonomy, followed by cocktails and the inaugural Global University Venturing Awards.
For more details go to:
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