Interim Manager of the Year Awards
Final preparations are underway for this evening’s Interim Manager of the Year awards ceremony at Lainston House Hotel, Winchester.
This inaugural event is the brainchild of Dermot Hill – Chief Executive of Intramezzo and Founder of the Wessex 100. Recognising the significant impact that interim managers can make on a business, Dermot wanted a ceremony that would both celebrate these achievements and raise the profile of interims and their considerable contribution to industry.
“Often the work of an interim manager is kept under the radar, which is why we don’t often get to hear the incredible success stories that are out there,” said Dermot.
“We have so many talented individuals in the Wessex region, delivering projects for huge names such as Jaguar LandRover, Network Rail, Sony and PitneyBowes and this event aims to give them the recognition they deserve and promote their work.
The winners will be announced tonight – follow our Twitter account @IntramezzoETS for live updates using the hashtag #W100InterimAwards.
A full review of the event plus profiles of the winners and their winning assignments will follow.