Intramezzo records ‘perfect’ year
As we enter the final weeks of 2014, we are delighted to be able to look back on what has been a hugely successful year; one that has seen Intramezzo partner with a variety of interesting and exciting businesses.
We are particularly proud to report a 100% success rate across the many challenging assignments we have undertaken in the past 12 months. This achievement is testament not only to the Intramezzo approach and methodology, but to the profile and potential of the clients and candidates we have collaborated with.
Speaking on the announcement of 2014’s ‘perfect’ record, Intramezzo Chief Executive, Dermot Hill, said: “Undaunted by the fact we cannot improve this completion rate, we are resolved to bring improvements at every stage of our process to continue to secure top performing, world class talent for our clients.”
We wish all our clients, contacts and candidates a very happy festive period and a prosperous new year.